Art Meets is a remote team of curators whose work experiments with different models of engagement through programming, content creation and content dissemination in the field of contemporary art. We produce Exhibitions, Video, Podcast, and the Art Meets App (forthcoming).

Some of our key projects include: C l o s e r than ever, 24 Hour Pageant, Art Meets a Podcast, and ‘Where Art Infrastructure and Digital Communities Collide’ (unreleased).

We also produce digital content for clients, including: Investec Cape Town Art Fair, artHARARE, Strauss&Co, Creative Knowledge Resources, AfriDigital and Greatmore Studios.


Art Meets began in 2013 as a mobile gathering space for conversations amongst artists and other art professionals, as a bridge from university to industry; a space to discuss shared challenges (often market-related or ethical questions) and find ways to address them. We began recording parts of these conversations as a form of knowledge creation with the intention of sharing them with wider audiences. Art Meets have since grown into a digital content production company for art in South Africa. 

We assemble our teams on a project basis, and share an interest in achieving healthy work relationships outside of ‘toxic’ environments and insufficiently resourced projects. We use our projects as an opportunity to redress how relationships of work are negotiated within the arts.