Art Meets App

An inclusive digital platform to promote and connect artists, art spaces and art events to a broad and diverse market.

  • The app will promote and facilitate interaction between artists, curators, collectors, galleries, cultural tourists, and broader local community.

    Our platform showcases artists and art spaces, encourages social exchange and enables network and relationship building.

  • Google Play and iStore (currently in beta - by invite only)

  • Discover

    Browse projects, events, artists, places
    Directory format, category filters
    Search function


    Create user profile, bio + location Link affiliates and collaborators Create artworks, projects and events

    Users DM in-app


    List a trade exchange
    Browse exchange offers
    DM via the app

    Showcase artists

    Artists showcase their work and projects and can list events

Our Vision


Navigate the landscape of artists, galleries and art spaces and put yourself on the map!

Easy to use directory and map format allows curators, professionals and tourists alike to find artists, studios, galleries or events in their area or further afield.

  • Browse/add projects, events, artists, places

  • Location search function

  • Category filters


Listings include events, studios, places, galleries, art fairs and more - searchable by location and easy to find all in one place.


Artists, art professionals and art spaces support each other through trade exchanges; a 'solidarity economy'

  • List trade exchanges

  • Browse trade exchanges

  • DM in-app