The disk will hold the information... for a while
In 1983 TIME Magazine featured George Segal’s sculpture on the cover of an edition called “The computer Moves In”. Instead of the usual “person of the year”, it named the computer Machine of the Year. Amaler-Raviv referenced Segal’s work in “The disk will hold the information… for a while.” The work deals with the the loss of human connection through digital over-connectivity. People become nodes. Relationships become digital networks.
“In the future, we might be able to save our history to a glass storage medium that could potentially outlive humankind." CNET
The revolutions in Russia in the 20th century are viewed here in relation to those of the 2011 Arab Spring explored in the work 'TWITTER', illustrating the power of solidarity and visibility not only through physical demonstrations but enhanced by the power of social media platforms. They also speak to the number of lives that have been lost in revolutions throughout history, where individual identities become vague statistics, as they do online. Digital power has become as dangerous and violent as it translates into a new form of physical weaponry.