A Collection of Cobwebs (2014-2015)
In my current body of work, I became interested in cobwebs, something that entangles, obscures or confuses. This is an ongoing process wherein I attempt explore the physicality of photographs and the materiality of the stockings, bandages, glue and micropore through my working of them. I printed the photographs as jumbo prints1 and used them as my medium, along with other materials, to create collages and to shape new images. The photographs were continually remediated through a process of tearing them up, cutting them and covering them with glue, masking tape, packaging tape, thread, micropore, stockings and Sellotape. The processes of collage provided an appropriate method for exploring and combining photography with domestic materials that referenced fixing and binding. Through my process of collage I assert the physicality of my photographs; by fragmenting and then combining the photographs into a new form I obscures my body while also transforming it.
Rending, stockings, micropore, digital prints, glue 2015
Submerge, 60 x 40 cm, stitching glue micropore jumbo prints
Shades, Acrylic wall paint, micropore, jumbo prints, stockings, glue
Deriving, 100 x 80 cm, stocking, glue, jumbo prints, micropore, canvas
In the Corners Acrylic wall paint, micropore, stockings, digital prints 2015
Spine, 80 x 15 cm micropore, jumbo prints, glue